The roof over your head is critical to your home’s overall health.  It is very important that you take care of the roofing and gutters. General maintenance for your roof, at regular intervals, is the best way to avoid major roofing repairs or problems. This regular maintenance is needed to ensure that your roof is always in the best condition to fight every type of weather — from rain to snow, hail, winds and more.

Here are three types of general roof maintenance services that you should get regularly:

Roofing Inspection

Getting your roof inspected every few years is very important in order to be able to take the necessary preventive precautions against any incidents. This is especially true if you live in an area where you face extreme weather conditions. A roofing inspection should only be done by a professional roofing contractor. Let H & S Roofing & Gutter Company put over 78 years of experience under your roof.

Roofing Leak Repairs

Even if think your roof just has minimal damage, don’t wait a second longer before calling H & S Roofing & Gutter Company. H & S has seen many homeowners that have waited until the roof issue has become so severe that they are in need of a much larger repair, or even a complete roofing replacement, which may have been avoided had they called a roofing professional when they first noticed the damage. As soon as you realize that there is damage to your roof, or that there is a leak in your roof, it needs to be repaired before the water starts to seep in and cause the damage to worsen. Remember, a routine roofing inspection by H & S Roofing & Gutter Company can help prevent any damage or small leaks from going unnoticed.

Roof and Gutter Cleaning

You should clean your roof and gutter of debris every year. Debris and dirt on your roof or in your gutters may cause roof deterioration, which could lead to damaged roofing and possible leaks. Dirty gutters can also damage your roof. When gutters are blocked, due to debris and leaves, your roofing and gutters can become damaged beyond repair.

H & S Roofing and Gutter Company have been serving Charlotte NC homeowners since 1939s. When you need help with your roofing or gutters call the professionals at H&S. Click here to contact us for quote.