“My roof is working fine…why should I go to the trouble of having it inspected?”

We at H&S Roofing get this question all the time, and we get it! Why add something else to your honey-do list when your life is already full enough? The thing is, roof issues have a tendency to sneak up on people. Having your roof regularly assessed is the best way to ensure a big, expensive problem doesn’t catch you off guard. Here’s why it’s so important.

Roof Assessments Catch Invisible Issues
Many times, disastrous roof problems happen gradually. Whether it’s a leak, loose shingles, or even standing water underneath the visible layer of your roof, you may not even notice there’s a problem until it’s too late. A professional roofer, like H&S Roofing or a home inspection company will be able to quickly determine whether you’ve got issues with leakage (which could encourage mold and wood rot), an unexpected animal infestation (in your gutter system or even your chimney), or wear-and-tear that’s bound to present an issue if not fixed soon (such as curled shingles, missing flashing, or depressions in the roof itself).

Roof Assessments Encourage You to do Regular Maintenance
Many of our H&S Roofing customers tell us the reason they schedule annual or bi-annual roof assessment is to remind themselves to perform regular roof maintenance. They know that the roof is probably one of the most expensive parts of the house that will eventually fail with certainty. What does that entail? Well, most roof evaluations can be performed in conjunction with roof cleanings, gutter un-clogging, and minor roof repairs. Having a professional spend a little bit of time on your roof performing some of the necessary repairs and maintenance issues once or twice a year may add years to the lifespan of the roof itself

Roof Assessments Identify Signs of Weakness
Not all roofing materials are created equal. If your roof was replaced years before you bought your house and you didn’t have anyone do a roof assessment as part of your home inspection, you may not know what grade or life expectancy the roof may have, or if the new roof was installed directly on top of the old one. A roof assessor at H&S Roofing can tell you all that, and give you the information you need to determine whether it’s worth shelling out to fix a “small” issue – for example, a pool of standing water – or whether you’re better off just waiting another year or so and replacing the entire roof.

H&S Roofing and Gutter Company has been performing comprehensive roof assessment in the Greater Charlotte MSA for over 70 years. We’re your friends in the roofing business, and we’re ready to help you identify problems before they become full-blown issues.

Give our team a call to schedule your very own roof inspection today.